Lift Or Wall Unit Kits Are Quick Disconnect To Interact With The System
More Interactive Work Areas Decreases Walking, Bending & Increases
Your Efficiency, Productivity & Earning.
Fits Any Vehicle Lift Or Wall Space Where There Is No Room For A Mobile Or Traditional Bench


Liftmaster™ is an important part of our work system. The kits are designed to interact with shop tools and keep work surfaces, supplies and tools in arms reach. With one mobile bench close, take one step either way and you're there. Strategically positioned in corner, on beams or adapted to 2 or 4 post lifts using traditionally un used floor space you will not believe how many steps you will save.
Part Number ALM280
Vise / Grinder & Laser Cut Plates / Fire Extinguisher Not Included

Liftmaster Pro™

Liftmaster™ Pro is also an important part of our work system. The kits are designed to interact with shop tools and keep work surfaces, supplies and tools in arms reach. Strategically positioned in a corner, on beams or adapted to 2 or 4 post lifts using traditionally unused floor space, you will save many steps. Add our optional Dragon Fire Tools cabinet to get a secure storage for valuables and great storage for every day consumables.
Part Number ALM280
Part Number A00385 - Cabinet
Vise / Grinder & Laser Cut Plates / Fire Extinguisher Not Included
Set Our System Up Correctly According To Your Space And Save A Great Deal Of Walk Time.